Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (2018)

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This is what happens when you essentially don’t have three-dimensional characters or a story to tell; let’s face it, Mamma Mia did not need a prequel, sequel - whatever the heck this is. It just didn’t.

What is Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again about?

Five years after the events of Mamma Mia! (2008), Sophie prepares for the grand reopening of the Hotel Bella Donna as she learns more about her mother's past. (from IMDB)


My review of Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again


I think this film proves very well that you can’t have a story without characters. Because when you don’t have three-dimensional characters with motivations, you don’t have a story. It’s honestly that simple. If you don’t care about the characters (and how can you if they’re flat) then you don’t care about what they’re doing on screen and you certainly don’t care about the songs they’re (trying to) sing. Characters hold plot, cinematography, direction, and soundtrack together. Without them, you have a pulpy mess, which is what this movie is. 

Secondly, you can’t have meaningful relationships or dynamic relationships if you don’t have dynamic characters. And your songs (this is a musical in case it’s not obvious) are not going to fit seamlessly into your plot or relationships if they are no dynamic relationships to fit into! This film is more than eager to throw in songs, but it totally backfires because the songs aren’t connected to characters or relationships. It just doesn’t work. Every song feels lame and random. A couple can sing a love song, but if we haven’t seen their relationship development and the characters aren’t compelling, then the song isn’t likely to have an impact. 

In other aspects, the movie falls short, as well. The cinematography is average, the makeup is frequently garish and badly blended, the plot is messy and all over the place, and the A-list cast (the majority are A-list, and the exceptions are horrifyingly obvious) have a pathetic script with which to work.


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